




蒙哥马利县社区学院 evaluates and awards academic credit for appropriate prior learning that is equivalent to the College’s courses and learning outcomes in 为了帮助学生实现他们的教育目标.


学院采用以下准则,以授予学分 之前的学习:

  1. The consideration of transfer credit will be determined by course equivalencies, including 期望的学习成果,与那些学院的课程和标准.
  2. Generally, credit will only be transferred from regionally accredited postsecondary institutions; however, the College recognizes valid educational experiences worthy of consideration outside of regionally accredited schools and has procedures to accommodate these based upon approval from the academic coordinator/ program director and documentation 当然等效性,包括预期的学习成果.
  3. In addition, the College awards academic credit and course placement to students based 以前的学术,就业,军事和/或其他学习经历不 在传统课程中获得的. 国家认可的考试可获得学分 such as [Advanced Placement (AP) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP)], professional certifications, or by portfolio evaluation of prior learning, based on course equivalencies, 包括预期的学习成果.
  4. 提交的学分符合年级和课程要求,将被接受 the College, up to seventy-five percent (75%) of the 学分 required for an associate’s 学位或证书课程. 接受特定专业的学分转换 the extent that acceptance of the 学分 would not be counter to discipline-specific 认证机构.
  5. Developmental coursework is not accepted for transfer credit but will be transcripted 作为先决条件.
  6. 分数为2分的课程.0 (C)或以上将被考虑转学. 课程 with a grade value of “pass” or “satisfactory” will be accepted as transfer 学分 when the transcript states that a “pass” or “satisfactory” is equivalent to a C or 以上. 转学课程不计入学分(质量分)。 分配.
  7. In general, courses will be considered for transferability regardless of their age; however, some programs may restrict the age of courses used for program admission, 前提目的和/或程序完成.


学院在评估学分时实行以下程序 传输:

  1. Only official transcripts or score reports sent directly to Enrollment 服务 from the issuing institutions/organizations or delivered in a signed, sealed envelope will 审查. 传真和/或未密封的文件不被视为正式文件. 官方 入学前获得的学分文件应不迟于以下时间提交 the end of the first semester of attendance to meet subsequent course prerequisites 并为完成学位提供准确的学术规划. 外部课程 and exams completed while currently in attendance should be 提交ted as soon as possible.
  2. 学生 who have 学分 from foreign educational institutions must have their transcript 由NACES认可的证书评估服务翻译和审核.
  3. Military personnel are eligible to have their military experience and training evaluated for transfer credit by 提交ting an approved form (for example, a DD Form 214) and 军事记录. 通过考核的军事训练可获得学分 由美国教育委员会,并分配一个推荐的学分值 培训与学生的学习计划直接相关.
  4. The MCCC transcript will only reflect the total number of 学分 equated; individual 所授予的等同课程不会显示.
  5. 学院实行学期制. 如果学生想要转学分 for an institution operating on the “quarter” system, 学分 may be transferred by 用1 / 4学时乘以2 / 3.
    1. 9个学时= 6个学期学分
    2. 6个课时= 4个学期学分
    3. 4刻钟= 2.67学期学分
    4. 3个课时= 2个学期学分
    5. When appropriate, quarter hours courses may be added together in order to award transfer 学分.

学生也可以通过成功完成以下课程获得学分. 所有获得的学分都被视为转学学分.


The following types of examinations will be considered for advanced standing or prior 学习信贷:

  1. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams with scores of 50 or higher for equivalent 课程,由学术协调员/项目主任确定.
  2. 大学理事会大学先修课程(AP)考试,成绩为3,4或5. AP成绩和 the appropriate credit level and course equivalencies are determined by the academic 协调员/项目总监.

学生可获得一份目前认可的等同考试的名单 at: 先修学分. 随着考试被批准转学分,此列表更新.


The College may provide credit for prior learning that does not come from an academic 设置或从其他机构转移学分. 学生必须注册 as degree seeking students in the College in order to qualify for 之前的学习 credit. 学生 may then elect to earn credit for specific courses by submission of a comprehensive 证明学生已经达到学习成果的作品集 course, or by taking a challenge examination developed and administered by department 教师. 复习材料和授予学分是要收费的. 有关先前学习转学分的更多信息,请参阅: 先前学习评估.


The College recognizes various organizations that award professional certification, licenses and training in specific industry areas and grants credit based upon discipline 教员对课程等效性的协议. 证书和执照必须是最新的 被考虑记入信用. 学生需要提交一份他们的证书副本 或向记录和注册办公室申请信贷许可. A 获颁授学分的机构名单载于: 非信用等价物.


学生 who have transferred from 蒙哥马利县社区学院 without earning an associate degree or certificate may complete program requirements by transferring back courses that have been earned at other institutions and are approved as equivalent to the degree requirements of a program of study at the College, in accordance with 上述信贷政策报表的转让.


Academic transcripts are evaluated based upon the procedures established in this policy 并通过学科提供的指导. 当转录本 received for which there appears to be no 蒙哥马利县社区学院 equivalent, or for which no equivalency can be established based upon the course name and course 描述时,可根据学科要求作出判定.

It is possible that errors in the articulation of coursework or prior learning can 发生. 如果学生认为发生了这种情况,上诉程序 如下:

  1. 学生 should first contact the Office of Records and Registration to discuss the evaluation results with a transcript evaluator and provide any additional documentation 需要协助审查(e.g. 最新的成绩单或大学目录、教学大纲 或发送机构出具的其他证明文件).
  2. If the issue is not resolved, the student may request further review from the Director 纪录及注册事务主任/注册处处长. 与学生商议后,主任 will present the student’s claim along with any additional documentation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, in consultation with the academic dean, and academic coordinator/ program director, for consideration and will communicate the decision to the student in writing, within fifteen (15) working days during the 学术秋季和春季学期. 教务长的决定是最终决定.
  3. Appeals to the Director of Records and Registration/ Registrar under item II 以上 must be 提交ted no later than 90 days after the completion of the initial evaluation.